Monday, May 27, 2013

The Canine Dumping Ground

Okay where do you go to get rid of fluffy, fido or snoopy ?. Why that's easy the everglades of coarse. I mean why not ?, they can run around a million acres, hunt, and fish to their hearts content. As for water unlike that bowl they used to have at home literally billions of gallons await them there. Don't forget how they sometimes pee and poop on the carpet no problem out there. But why would you even have to bring them out there to begin with I mean you love them right ?, isnt that why you got them anyway ?. Who the hell in their right mind can think that bringing a domesticated animal out to one of the most wild places anywhere is a good idea. If you have never spent a night out there you would know how beautiful it can be but you also know how desolate, scary, and bug infested it can be too. Also don't forget this is (was) a member of your family you know "mans best friend" ?. Luckily there are people and organizations like Broward's 100+ Abandoned Dogs of Everglades Florida